
0/1 Lessons

Getting Started with this Course

• 26min

0 / 3 lessons complete

System Center Configuration Manager - Features and Capibilities

• 31min

0 / 5 lessons complete

SCCM 1902 Lab Setup

• 51min

0 / 12 lessons complete

Installing SCCM 1902 Installation

• 1hr 32min

0 / 11 lessons complete

Configuration Manager Basics

• 1hr 58min

0 / 8 lessons complete

Updating SCCM

• 30min

0 / 7 lessons complete

SCCM Client Installation

• 46min

0 / 4 lessons complete

User and Device Collections

• 1hr 6min

0 / 13 lessons complete

Application Management

• 2hr 34min

0 / 12 lessons complete

Operating System Deployment

• 23min

0 / 7 lessons complete

Endpoint Protection

• 1hr 11min

0 / 10 lessons complete


• 37min

0 / 4 lessons complete

Problems and Solutions from the Message Board

• 14min

0 / 5 lessons complete

Lab: Installing System Center Configuration Manager


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2 years ago

Why are my labs timing out so quickly. Had no idea there was a time limit? Not nearly finished. Does this mean i can’t access labs anymore?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  chrisc4
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Chris Case

You can access and do the lab multiple times if needed. The maximum duration of the lab is 45 minutes.


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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Victoria Vyedina

You can do as in the video lessons. Installing the ADK and creating the domain user accounts for example. Basically, you can follow along with the video lessons and perform the tasks in the lab environment.


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Kadiatou Balde(@kadiatou-balde)
1 year ago

Do we have to create the users in the lab? There is no user and If I am not mistaking, you said that the users would already be created in the lab.
I went head and created the SQL service user but I don’t know the password for the local admin user for SASCCM01 and when I enter the same password as the one there for the domain administrator it is still login me in the domain, therefore I am not able to go and change the group policies locally.
Also the installer file for the SQL reporting is not there, there is no guide in the lab and the download are not easy to find, I had to read the comments on each lecture to find a reply for the path, finally, 40 min is not enough. I have tried the lab three times and I keep running out of time before completing the lab. Is it possible to have more time to complete the lab?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Kadiatou Balde
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Kadiatou Balde

Yes, it is needed to create the users in this lab. The idea is for the student to perform the actions seen in the lessons. We will update the lab with some instructions to reflect what’s seen in the lessons.

The local admin user password for the SASCCM01 should be the same as the domain administrator password. If the password does not work, you can always reset it if needed.

We will check for the SQL reporting since it might be on another lab, and we might have forgotten to add it here.

The lab has a 40-minute time since the average usage time has been 25 minutes. We have extended it by 15 minutes, so you have some extra time to complete it.


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1 year ago

Using the SA lab to do the exercises it says the files are already downloaded to the lab server but they are not there. Do I have to down load them?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  rednarsto
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Neal Ostrander

The files should be on the SASCCM01 server under C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\SCCM Setup Files. You should see a shortcut on the desktop that takes you to where the files are located.
