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Downloading and Mounting Server 2019 ISO


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NOTE: Only download this ISO if you do not plan on using the ServerAcademy.com IT labs but plan on using a VirtualBox lab instead:

Windows Server 2019 Download

In this lecture, I'll be showing you how you can download Windows Server.

What we are going to do is open our preferred web browser here, and well go back to google.com.

web browser
Web Browser

Now in the search bar, I am going to type in Windows Server, and whatever year I would like to use followed by a Download. In this lecture we are using 2019, so we'll just say Windows Server 2019 Download.

search windows server 2019 download
Search Windows Server 2019 Download

Now, if we scroll down here we should see the Microsoft Eval Center, which is this result right here. We are going to click on this link.

microsoft eval center
Microsoft Eval Center

And, we are going to proceed with this ISO download for Windows Server 2019. I'll click Continue.

selecting evaluation type iso
Selecting Evaluation type ISO

And this is going to have me type in some information that is personal to me.

completing the form
Completing the form

Once I typed in that information I am going to click Continue, and I am going to select the language. This is actually important, you want to choose English if appropriate. If you choose Chinese things can be a little bit different later on. So, if you are using a different language, you'll want to make sure your version of SCCM is compatible, we will get more into that later in another lecture. I am going to choose English and I am going to choose Download.

selecting english language
Selecting the English language

So, I am going to Save this ISO, and now I just need to wait for it to complete.

saving the iso file
Saving the ISO file

So, this is a fairly large download. It could take you anywhere from fifteen to twenty minutes based on your internet connection, it could be a lot longer than that. If you have high-speed Internet it should be about fifteen to twenty minutes so I am just going to wait for this to download and I am going to speed up the video so that you don't have to wait through this process.

OK, so the download is complete and I have moved it to a folder called ISO under the S:\ drive.

iso file saved in s drive
ISO file saved in the S drive

So, what I have to do now is go back to VirtualBox and let's mount this to these VMs. So, I am going to click SADC01 and I am going to choose Settings.

sadc01 vm settings
SADC01 VM settings

Next, I am going to click on Storage, and I'll click on this disc icon and then again on this disc icon on the right-hand side, and I am going to say Choose a disk file...

mounting iso file to vm
Mounting iso file to VM

Next, I am going to go to the S:\ drive, and I am going to go ISO, and I am going to choose the ISO that I just downloaded.

selecting iso s drive
Selecting ISO in the S drive

I'll click OK and I am going to repeat the steps for SASCCM01.

I'll click OK and SAWS01 is going to require a Windows 10 ISO. So I won't be mounting the same ISO to this VM. So, we'll cover how to get the Windows 10 ISO in another lecture.

Great job getting through this one and I will see you in the next one.

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