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Creating an Application that requires Approval


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In this lecture, we will create an application that requires administrative approval. We will deploy Notepad ++ and create an EXE installer.

From the Console click software Library, then click Application Management, then right-click on Applications and click create Application. 

  • From the Create Application Wizard, the General screen, click Manually specify the application information, then click next.
  • From General Information, fill out the Meta Data You can go ahead and stop the video while you fill out the name, publisher, and software version. Now click next
  • From Application Catalog, click edit, and let’s choose a User Category. You can click create and add your own categories if you like. These categories will appear in the clients Software Center and will help you organize your applications. 
  • I’ll go ahead and choose editor then click OK.
  • Now I can fill in some of the details. Let’s go ahead and browse out to the Icon for Notepad++, then click open, then click next.
  • Now let’s create our Deployment Type, click Add, from the General Screen, click the down arrow and choose a script installer. A script Installer specifies a script or a program that runs on Windows clients to install content or to do an action. Use this deployment type for setup.exe installers or script wrappers. Then click next.
  • From General Information, Now type the Deployment Type Name – NPP 7.8.6 exe -x32, now click next.
  • From Content, content location, click browse, then browse out to the application location, then click select folder. Then type in the Server name. 
  • From specify the installation command, click browse, then browse to the install program and double click the exe. So, the installation command is “npp.7.8.6. installer.exe” 
  • Now for an EXE, we will need to find out what the silent install command line is
  • From google if you search Note++ silent install command line. We will find that /S will work for the silent install. Go ahead and add /S after exe.
  • The uninstall command can be found in the registry in one of two places, and because the Notepad++ is a 32-bit installer, the uninstall command can be found in the wow6432 Node.

Now let’s Open Regedit

  • right-click the Start  button, then click Run. Now type regedit, and press return.
  • From regeditBrowse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Notepad++, 
  • Then double click the uninstall string, copy and paste that string into Notepad. Then ok.
  • “C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\uninstall.exe” /S
  • I’ll go ahead and Paste in the uninstall string

Again you will need to add the /S (Capital S) for the silent uninstall, then click next.

  • From Detection Method – This is what CM uses to detect if Application is already installed on this system – Click Add Clause
  • From Detection Rule, Setting Type – Choose Registry
  • From the Hive – Now, I’ll show you where the information for Notepad++ is.
  • From HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal\Notepad++ - 

To the right click DisplayVersion, which is 7.8.6, then click ok.

  • And if the Key put the WOW6432 in there, we are going to want to remove that, and we are going to want to check the box, This registry key is associated with a 32-bit Application on a 64 bit O/S. 

Detection Rule – Asks this question. Is Application already installed on this system?

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1 year ago

i cannot find Notepad++ for this exercise. In is not on the sccm server to create package with

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  chrisc4
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Chris Case

I went ahead and check but is not on the SASCCM01 server. You can go ahead and download it from the internet from the server lab machine.
