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Course Introduction

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Downloading and Installing Windows Server

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Roles and Features

• 1hr 35min

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Upgrading and Migrating Windows Server

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Windows Server Storage Solutions

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Windows Server Backup

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Course Conclusion

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Lab: Installing Windows Server Roles and Features on Server Core


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Ambrose Garza(@ambroseg)
2 years ago

if you use a comma after the feature name you can both install and uninstall both features at same time. example:

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Vincent Zapata(@vincent-zapata-2)
2 years ago

when installing the Windows feature, .netfrwrk 3.5 will not install. I am typing in the command word for word and only the DNS installs. any suggestions?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Vincent Zapata
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Vincent Zapata

What is the command you are typing? can you post it here?


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Vincent Zapata(@vincent-zapata-2)
Reply to  Ricardo P
2 years ago

Install-WindowsFeature -Name DNS -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeAllManagementTools 

The test grades me for the DNS feature and Uninstall of features, It will not let me pass with 100 since it wants me to submit for adding .netfrmwrk 3.5. Just now I did the quiz while following the video, and the video does not show .netfrmwrk 3.5 installed either.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Vincent Zapata
2 years ago

Try with the following:
Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core -source D:\ sources\ sxs

Last edited 2 years ago by Ricardo P
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Paul Ma(@paulm)
Reply to  Ricardo P
1 year ago

Video could use an update by including the abovementioned command that includes the “-source” argument/parameter. Thank you for your help!

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Chris Cross(@chris-cross)
1 year ago

i like learning the headless server

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Brady Durham(@bradyd)
1 year ago

The lab instructions say to install the .NET 3.5 Feature but I did not see anything about that in the video and when I clicked on score it shows as not installed.
Also, I did everything as listed in the video in regards to uninstalling those roles and features and after clicking on score it said I had not uninstalled those roles and features.
It did say that I had successfully installed the server role.

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Brady Durham(@bradyd)
1 year ago

Update: I was able to complete everything in the lab except installing the .NET 3.5 Feature. I rewatched the video and still can’t find out about that part and can’t complete that part of the lab.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Brady Durham
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Brady Durham

To install it you can try with:

Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core -source D:\sources\sxs

We have updated the lesson transcript to include the command.

Thank you,


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Brady Durham(@bradyd)
Reply to  Ricardo P
1 year ago

Hello Ricardo, thanks for the update. I was successful in installing the .Net 3.5 feature but was unable to uninstall it. You’ll probably want to update that part with the syntax as well.
I tried using Uninstall-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core -source D:\sources\sxs
With the update you can do everything in the lab except to uninstall the .Net 3.5 feature.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Brady Durham
1 year ago

Great! Let me test the uninstallation and I will be updating the lesson.

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1 year ago

Net Framework core has been removed for the command list of feature. The new one is NET Framework Features, having problems intalling it.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  carlisej
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar carlise jenkins

Thanks for the heads-up on the command list of feature updates. If you are doing it in the IT Lab from the Course, then you should be able to use the commands from the lessons.


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Brady Durham(@bradyd)
1 year ago

Ricardo, were you ever able to update the lab on uninstalling the NET 3.5 feature on Server Core?
That’s the only thing I have left to complete. I was able to do everything in the lab but uninstall the NET 3.5 feature and I just wanted to follow up.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Brady Durham
1 year ago

Thanks for the head up I almost forget.

You can use the command following command: Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name Net-Framework-Core

We will update the lesson notes.


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Brady Durham(@bradyd)
Reply to  Ricardo P
1 year ago

Thanks Ricardo. I’ll use that command pretty soon and let you know if I was successful.

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1 year ago

It keeps giving me an error – “Connection issue”. I’m keep retying but no luck

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Umesh
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Umesh Prajapati

The Connection issue can show up if there’s not enough bandwidth from the client browser to the data center lab virtual machine or if there’s a network restriction. Check the following link for connectivity requirements:


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Matt C(@matthew-cutshall)
1 year ago

The server will not allow me to Uninstall the features. I’ve tried several times and even had the server completely reboot on its own.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Matt C
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar matthew cutshall

Which commands are you using to Uninstall the features, and which ones?

Typically to remove a feature from PowerShell you use Uninstall-WindowsFeature with -Name and the name of the feature to remove. To get the name of the feature we use Get-WindowsFeature.

Thank you

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Matt C(@matthew-cutshall)
Reply to  Ricardo P
1 year ago

No matter what I do its not working. It allowed me to do it once with DNS then it stopped working, then it passed me without even completing the task.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Matt C
1 year ago

It might have needed a reboot after uninstalling DNS since it is required to completely remove the role.
The commands are the following:

Install-WindowsFeature DNS -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools
Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core -source D:\sources\sxs
Uninstall-WindowsFeature DNS -IncludeManagementTools
Uninstall-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core

I see the lab is completed. I checked the lab, and the weight of the tasks was not balanced. The last task was having a weight of 20 and that’s why it passed you with 80. I have corrected it.

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Matt C(@matthew-cutshall)
Reply to  Ricardo P
1 year ago

I’ve also completed the windows server lab several times and its not showing completed. There’s a glitch somewhere.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Matt C
1 year ago

Right, I have seen the Desktop lab is not completed. I have marked that completed for you. It should be working when clicking the Complete & Continue button.