The ISE (Intelligent Scripting Environment) Part 2
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Welcome to an Overview of the ISE Part 2
Now let’s jump over and finish up with the setup options. Open the PowerShell ISE as Administrator. Click Tools, then click options. We’ll cover most of these options If you need more detail refer to this documentation.
Colors and Fonts:
Here you can experiment with the foreground and background colors for the script pane or the console pane. Go ahead and click background.
And if you really mess up your color’s, you can come down here and click Restore Defaults.
Normally I leave the colors set to the defaults.
Font Family:
Normally I set this to Lucida Console and the font size 14 or 16
Ok let’s go ahead and open a simple script, and go back to tools, options, general settings.
Script Pane Behavior
- Show outlining in the Script Pane – What that means is, if I click this minus button, I can collapse that code to make long script easier to read.
- Show line numbers in the script pane – This enables us to toggle these line numbers on or off.
- Warn me when I edit duplicate files – If you open the same script in two ISE tabs the program will warn you.
- Prompt to save scripts before running them – Allows you to make changes to a script that you have not saved. You will be prompted to save the script before running it. Let’s go ahead and clear off our screen.
If you thought TAB completion was cool in the text based console, wait until we checkout Intellisense.
- Show Intellisense in the Console Pane – This setting turns on Intellisense in the console pane.
- Enter selects Intellisense items in the Console Pane - If enabled, when intellisense pops up with a help list, pressing Enter on a selected item will copy that command to the current cursor position.
Let me show you what I mean. Go ahead and type get-ser, there Intellisense pops up, now if I press return, it just popped that and that command right into the command pane.
- Show Intellisense in the Script Pane - This setting turns on Intellisense in the script windows.
- Enter selects Intellisense items in the Script Pane – The very same thing that we demonstrated in the console pane.
- Intellisense timeout in seconds – If the time required to load intellisense help is not sufficient no help will be displayed. If this happens you may need to increase the timeout.
Other Settings
- Use local help content instead of online content – Will pull the help info from your local machine and not the internet.
- Show the toolbar – Displays the ISE toolbar
- Use default snippets – Enables you to use snippets or code fragments into your scripts. Providing a starting point for your scripts.
- Now let me demonstrate how Intellisense works.
Let’s say you’re at work, and you want to take a look at the last ten entries from the security log on the current machine.
How would you do this?
From the command pane type get-event, Press the down arrow one time.
Notice the popup windows on the right, these are our parameters.
Parameters enable you to select options or provide input.
So, we want the -logname parameter.
Press return, press the space bar, then press the hyphen key –
And there is our -Logname parameter, press return again.
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