Command Syntax Lab Answers
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In this lecture I’m gonna give you the answers to the questions, from the Command Syntax Section.
We’ll take a look at the command syntax from get service
The Answer is in 6 parts, we’ll start from the left and work to the right
- Every cmdlet is based upon the same structure A name for this structure is? Verb - Noun
- A dash tells PowerShell that a Parameter is being used.
- Two angle brackets tell’s me that this a Argument.
- The word string is located between two angle brackets, string is called a Value Type.
- When two square brackets are surrounded by two angle brackets this tells us that this can take multiple arguments separated by a comma.
- These three groups are called _Parameter sets.
Question 2 video and tablet
The question was:
- Take a look at the parameter sets from get-service. Can you tell me which parameters are unique in each set? Now tell me what parameters are common in each set.
The answer is in three parts.
- In order to have a parameter set each set must have at least one unique parameter. Our unique parameters in this case are:
- Displayname from set #1
- Inputobject from set # 2
- Name from # 3
Question 2 Part 2
- Question was:
- Now tell me what parameters are common to each set.
The Common Parameters in Set # 1,2, 3 are:
- Computername, DependentServices, Exclude, Include, RequiredServices, Common Parameters
Question 2 Part 3
- The Question was:
You probably noticed that commonparameters are common to all three sets.
- What command would you use to checkout the help for commonparameters?
- Type get-help about_common_parameters.
Scroll to the top.
- Some of the highlights are debug, outvariable, verbose, whatif and confirm
- If you want to know more notice there are descriptions for each parameter.
- Most of the time these parameters work with every cmdlet.
Question # 3
- The Question was:
- If I type get-service, then press return.
Why does the command run without using any parameters?
Type CLS
- Type get-help get-service -full.
- Now using the syntax, explain why getservice ran without using any parameters.
The answer is:
- Because all the parameters in parameter set # 2 and 3, all have square brackets around them.
- That means that all the parameters are optional and not needed.
And that means that get-service will run by itself without any parameters.
Question #4
- The question was:
Type get-eventlog, then press return.
Notice that geteventlog is asking for a value or a logname
Press Ctrl-C
- Using the syntax, explain why geteventlog requires you to type a value or a logname, while get-service ran without a value or even a parameter
- Type get-help get-eventlog -full. Scroll up to the Syntax section.
- Notice that every parameter is surrounded by square brackets.
- That means that all the parameters for the command get-eventlog are optional and not needed.
- Notice that -logname is surrounded by square brackets but the argument is not.
That means that -logname is optional (you don’t have to type -logname)
but you have to type a string (which in this case is a text string)
- So that’s why when you type get-eventlog and you press return
PowerShell asks you for a value.
- Let’s go ahead and type security (which is one of the Windows log files.
Question #5
- The Question was:
- Using help get-eventlog -showwindow.
- Take a look at the parameter -instanceID .
- Explain why -instanceID should be second in the order of parameters?
-InstanceID <int64> is position 1 so it’s second in the lineup of parameters.
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