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Course Introduction

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Getting Started with Windows PowerShell

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Getting Help and Finding Commands

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PowerShell Command Syntax

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PowerShell Objects and Properties

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The PowerShell Pipeline

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PowerShell Providers

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PowerShell Arrays and Variables

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PowerShell Loops

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PowerShell Conditional Statements

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On Premises Lab Setup

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Basic Domain Administration with Windows PowerShell

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Send Emails with PowerShell

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PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) Basics

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PowerShell Modules

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Powershell Challenges

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Course Conclusion

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Command Syntax Part 3


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{ } Curly braces. In some of the commands you’ll see curly braces. I’ll show you what I mean.

Back to the parameter set 1. Checkout the parameter -Entrytype

Notice that it is surrounded by square brackets that start at -EntryType and end at warning} ]. That shows that the parameter is optional

But notice the curly braces surrounding {Error and ending at warning} 

Also notice the vertical lines between information | FailureAudit | SuccessAudit and Warning

What this means is, that if you want to use the parameter -Entrytype you have these  choices. 

Let’s try this

Type Get-EventLog application -EntryType warning, error -Newest 20

As you can see this command ran correctly

This command displays any warnings and errors coming from our applications that we are currently running.

Required Parameters 

There’s One thing that I need to show you. 

Let go back to the syntax for get-service. Take a look at the first parameter set, notice that the parameter -displayname doesn’t have the square brackets around it

This means that if you want to use the first parameter set, you would be required to use the parameter -DisplayName

That’s how you know what is required and what is optional.

Type get-service -displayname and pick an application press return, and as you can see that did command run. This command displays the service that is associated with the application.

So, in most instances this rule would hold true.

If there are no square brackets around the parameter and the argument, the parameter and the argument are required

If there are square brackets around the parameter and the argument the parameter is optional and not required.

Let’s go back to the get-evenlog syntax and review: 

Get in the habit of analyzing the syntax of a cmdlet

  1.  indicates a parameter
  1. < > angle brackets indicate an argument
  1. [ ] If there are two square brackets inside two angle brackets this means that the parameter can take multiple arguments, separated by a comma. In this case it would be two numbers.
  1. [Param Arg] Square brackets around the parameter and the argument.

Means the parameter is optional .

[Param] Square brackets around the parameter

Because -logname is surrounded by square brackets and the argument <string> is not, that makes -logname optional and the argument required

  1. Positional Because -logname is surrounded by square brackets 

and it’s position is 0, this makes this parameter positional.

So, PowerShell expects -logname and it’s value type to be first in the order of cmdlets.

  1. Named
  1. { } Curly braces - a parameter followed by several choices separated by vertical lines and surrounded by curly braces. 

Using this parameter, you can choose various items to expand the functionality of the cmdlet.

So, with what you have learned in the last two lectures you should be able to figure out command syntax. You’re on your way to understanding a lot more about PowerShell.

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