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Course Introduction

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Getting Started with Active Directory Domain Services

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Introduction to Active Directory Users & Computers

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Adding a Second Domain Controller

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Active Directory Backups

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How to Administrate Active Directory with Windows PowerShell

• 1hr 58min

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Administrating AD SS (Active Directory Sites and Services)

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Active Directory Trusts

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Modifying the Active Directory Schema

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Course Conclusion

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Listing AD Users with PowerShell


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In this lecture, we are going to be learning how to list Active Directory users with Windows PowerShell.

I am logged into a server that has Active Directory installed. This is the IPDC01 server. 

NOTE: If you don’t have an Active Directory you will not be able to follow along in this lecture.

Let’s start by opening PowerShell. Click on the Windows icon on the bottom left and type powershell. I am going to select Windows PowerShell ISE.

Now, the first thing we are going to do is write a comment. Press Shift+3.

This # preceding the line is a comment, and will not get executed by PowerShell.

Next, we type Import-Module ActiveDirectory.

NOTE: When we type a command in the editor it gets populated by the Intellisense feature.

Let’s continue writing the code. The script will look as follows:

# Import the active directory module

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# List all AD users (Were a max limit of 100 users - this is important for larger domains)

Get-ADUser -Filter * -ResultSetSize 100

Press the green Play button at the top to execute the script.

We see the results at the bottom pane of Windows PowerShell ISE.

Let’s try another example. Let’s do a list that is more user-friendly. Type the following code:

# Import the active directory module

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# List all AD users (Were a max limit of 100 users - this is important for larger domains)

Get-ADUser -Filter * -ResultSetSize 100 | Select-Object Name

Press the green Play button at the top to execute the script.

We get now a list that is a lot easier to read.

We can also select multiple objects. If we want to select UserPrincipalName we can add it next to the Name at the end.

# Import the active directory module

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# List all AD users (Were a max limit of 100 users - this is important for larger domains)

Get-ADUser -Filter * -ResultSetSize 100 | Select-Object Name, UserPrincipalName

Press the green Play button at the top to execute the script.

We now get a list with the UserPrincipalName.

Some are not populated, and that's fine.

We can also choose other field values from the complete first output like Surname, where is Enabled or not, etc.

So, if I type in:

# Import the active directory module

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# List all AD users (Were a max limit of 100 users - this is important for larger domains)

Get-ADUser -Filter * -ResultSetSize 100 | Select-Object Name, Enabled

We should get the following output:

We can select different properties, so if we want to see the last logon we can do the following:

# Import the active directory module

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# List all AD users (Were a max limit of 100 users - this is important for larger domains)

Get-ADUser -Filter * -ResultSetSize 100 -Properties lastLogon | Select-Object Name, Enabled, lastLogon

The result will be the following:

The lastLogon is an LDAP timestamp, and is not human-readable. The timestamp is the number of 100-nanosecond intervals (1 nanosecond = one billionth of a second) since Jan 1, 1601 UTC.

Now, let’s take a scenario where we want to list all the user accounts inside an Active Directory OU. The way we would do that is under Get-ADUser we would do the following using SearBase. We will enter the Distinguished Name of the OU that we are looking for.

# Import the active directory module

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# List all AD users inside a OU

Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Domain Users,OU=instructorpaul,DC=instructorpaul,DC=com" | Select-Object Name

Now, let’s take a scenario where we want to list all the members from a Security Group. We will use the Roaming Profile Users group.

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Mohamed Moubasher(@mohamed-moubasher)
1 year ago

Good lesson, Thank you  👍 

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9 months ago

i can’t cd into AD

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  blinkkk
9 months ago

Hi profile avatar ALWI DELGADO ALAUDIN

Can you provide more information about it?
