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Course Introduction

• 10min

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DNS Basics

• 1hr 16min

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DNS Resource Records

• 46min

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DNS Zones

• 3hr 41min

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DNS Delegation

• 50min

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DNS Security Techniques

• 36min

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Advanced DNS Topics

• 22min

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DNS Security (DNSSEC)

• 1hr 16min

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DNS Policies

• 54min

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PowerShell for DNS

• 1hr 27min

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Troubleshooting DNS Issues - Troubleshooting Tools

• 1hr 39min

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Configuring DNS Cache Locking


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If you recall a normal DNS query works like this:

  • A DNS client queries a recursive DNS server.
  • The server caches the result.
  • Next time the DNS server will be able to respond more quickly to other DNS clients querying the same information.
  • The amount of time that a record resides in cache is determined by the Time to Live (TTL) value of the record.
  • If the TTL, is set to a shorter time or percentage a record could be overwritten if more recent data is available for the record.
  • However, this exposes a security issue. A malicious person may try to overwrite the record and redirect clients to an unsafe Web site.

To mitigate this risk in Windows server 2016:

  • You can use DNS cache locking to determine when information in the DNS cache can be overwritten.
  • When you enable cache locking the DNS server does not allow updates until the TTL has fully expired.
  • By default, the TTL is set to 100% or 24 hours.

To configure Cache Locking we need to open up PowerShell in administrator mode.
I’ll show you two ways to accomplish setting your TTL percentage. First to check the current percentage


If we Drop down to the ServerCache heading we notice that the locking percent by default is set to 100%. If you want to change the percentage type to 70% type

Set-DnsServerCache –LockingPercent 70

You can also use the dnscmd to accomplish this.

  • You can check the current TTL setting by typing the command dnscmd /info /cachelockingpercent
  • In most environments you are not going to adjust this, but if you want to reduce the time that a record in your cache can get overwritten, you can do so by running the following commands:

dnscmd /config /cachelockingpercent 100 (24 hours)
dnscmd /config /cachelockingpercent 75 (18 hours)
dnscmd /config /cachelockingpercent 50 (12 hours)
dnscmd /config /cachelockingpercent 0 (Update immediately)

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