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Course Introduction

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Introduction to Group Policy Management

• 1hr 24min

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Manage Your Workstations

• 1hr 46min

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Securing Your Domain

• 1hr 1min

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Group Policy Troubleshooting

• 53min

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Course Conclusion

• 1min

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Lab: Securing Your Domain with Group Policy


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1 year ago

I kept running into problems completing the lab. I made a couple attempts but kept receiving feedback saying things weren’t configured that I thought were. I’ll give it another shot though to see what happens.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  OGMarcus
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Marcus Allen

Let us know if you still have any issues and on which evaluation step so we can help.


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1 year ago

I really think that your labs need more time!

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  josem4
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Jose Mattey

If you need more time on this lab, we can increase it temporarily for you to complete it.


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1 year ago

Hello Ricardo, is there any way to get the lab result page that comes up at the end of the lab from previous labs.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  josem4
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Jose Mattey

The lab engine does not provide the capability to generate the result page. It is just when the lab is finished that you see it.


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Markus Schmeck(@markus-schmeck)
1 year ago

For some reason I can’t get the first part of the lab objective to pass. Was able to get to get the other 3 after it done but I can’t tell if the first one is due to user error of if there is an issue with it.

Shows “The Default Domain Password Policy is not configured”. Looked over the videos and tried other methods but still haven’t found the issue.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Markus Schmeck
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Markus Schmeck

If you did the other steps without issue I believe you are missing just one configuration, but not sure what is it you are getting wrong. Try to follow the configuration options from the lesson “Configuring Domain Password and Account Lockout Policies with Group Policy”, and it should be checked green.


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1 year ago

I’ve done the lab several times now. The only problem I have is the first task. I was sure that I did everything right, so I started the lab again and watched the exact video for the task and did everything exactly as in the video with Instructorpaul. Nevertheless, it always says I wouldn’t have configured the Default Domain Password Policy. Is this a Bug?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  horstb
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Horst Bornschein-Grolms

Here on the first task, we need to edit the Default Domain GPO. The evaluation script will check if two of the policy settings are set checking only for the Maximum password age is set to 60 days and the Account lockout duration is set to 15 mins.

See if this works for you, and let us know since we have an issue with the transcript of the lessons and are not sure if that might be an issue.

Thank you,


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Eric Gonzales(@eric-gonzales)
6 months ago

When tried configuring my own lockout policies, the scoring wouldn’t accept it. If I defined it exactly laid out as the lecture it worked. I think that should be mentioned.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Eric Gonzales
6 months ago

Hi profile avatar Eric Gonzales

That’s right. These are intended to be as the lessons so they can be used as guides when doing the labs.

Thanks for the feedback.


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5 months ago

I am having an issue with the Registry Settings. I am able to open the file with Notepad as in the lecture after following the instructions, but I still get an error message saying it is not configured. Please advise.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  CJ22
5 months ago

Hi profile avatar Chris Coleman

The evaluation check is looking for the Name and its Display name of the GPO to be “Registry Settings”.


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4 months ago

It must have been answered, but I don’t remember.What is the difference between, a member account, and workstation account?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  chkontog
4 months ago

The member accounts are user accounts, and a workstation account is a computer account.