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Introduction to Linux Server Operating Systems

• 30min

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Linux Server Installation and Lab Setup

• 23min

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Working with the Linux Command Line Interface

• 1hr 30min

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User and Group Management

• 44min

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Linux Storage

• 30min

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Linux Administration Basics

• 53min

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Linux Networking

• 47min

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Course Conclusion

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 In this lecture, we're going to be installing our Ubuntu Server operating system. So this is just to give you a brief introduction to how to install a Linux-based operating system. The process is going to be different from operating system or distribution to distribution, but this should give you a basic idea so that you've at least installed a Linux operating system on a VM that you've created.

I do recommend, if you're curious, or have a specific version you want to work with, go ahead and install that operating system, that's perfectly fine. Like we talked about before, we're going to be focusing on Ubuntu in this course, but the fundamental skills that you will learn in this course will transfer to other operating systems and things like that.

So what I'm going to do is right-click on this VM and I'm going to go ahead and Start and say Normal Start and then I'll minimize this and the VM is going to go ahead and begin launching and it's going to open the console in the background.

virtual box ubuntu server vm
VirtualBox Ubuntu Server VM

So here we go. I'm going to go ahead and maximize this view.

ubuntu server vm grub menu
Ubuntu Server VM Grub menu

And, here we have the option to Try or Install Ubuntu Server, or we can do a boot to Ubuntu Server with the HW kernel or Test memory. We want to do Try or Install Ubuntu Server because we are going to install it on this VM. What I'm going to do now is just go ahead and hide this little screen over here on the right hand side. And, we're just going to wait for this to go ahead and finish booting.

ubuntu server select your language
Ubuntu Server - Select your language

Okay, so, we're going to use the Up and Down arrow to navigate through this menu, and I'm going to leave it on English and press Enter.

ubuntu server select keyboard layout
Ubuntu Server - Select Keyboard layout

And, this is pretty important as far as the keyboard layout. Some characters may not work if you change this, so I am using an English (US) based keyboard, and I'm just going to click Done.

ubuntu server base for the installation
Ubuntu Server base for the installation

Now, we're going to use Ubuntu Server. This includes more packages than the minimized version. I do not recommend installing Ubuntu Server Minimize unless you are pretty familiar with modifying the Ubuntu Server operating system and what is included with minimum versus Ubuntu Server, because you'll be missing a lot of command line utilities and packages that you will want to use as a new Linux user. So, I'll go ahead and click Done.

ubuntu server network settings
ubuntu server network settings

Okay. This is already giving us an IP address through DHCP, and that's perfectly fine. I'm not going to go ahead and just change that yet, but we could press Enter here and edit the IPv4 settings if we wanted to.

ubuntu server editing ip address 1
Ubuntu Server - Editing IPv4 address
ubuntu server editing ip address dhcp
Ubuntu Server - Editing IPv4 address from DHCP

Right now it's set to Automatic (DHCP). I'm just going to click Cancel and just continue with those settings for now. So I'll click Done.

ubuntu server proxy settings
Ubuntu Server - Proxy settings

We do not have a Proxy for this setup. I'll click Done to continue.

ubuntu server mirror address
Ubuntu Server Mirror address

And, this is just talking about the Mirror that we're going to use for Ubuntu and this is perfectly fine. I'll click Done.

ubuntu server storage layout
Ubuntu Server Storage Layout

I want to use the entire disk. I am not using any kind of encryption. I don't need a custom storage layout. So I'll just click Done with the default settings here.

ubuntu server file system summary
Ubuntu Server File System summary

And this just shows me information about the hard drive. It's 80 GB, volume, and then how it's going to create the different partitions, and for those of you who are familiar with Windows, you'll notice this is the same kind of thing or same kind of information that you get presented as far as partitions go, it's just that it's, you know, presented a little bit differently. We have the root volume here ( / ) and then we have the /boot volume. We're going to leave all this at default and we're just going to click Done.

ubuntu server format warning message
Ubuntu Server disk format Warning message

Now, this is a warning that's just saying, hey, you're about to start an installation that's going to result in formatting the hard drive. So, if we had previous data on here we'd want to make sure that we didn't lose that data. We might not want to continue. This is a fresh install and I'm not worried about any previous data. So I'm going to say Continue.

ubuntu server user hostame and password information
ubuntu server user hostame and password information

Okay. So now it's asking me to enter in my information. I'm just going to say, my name is Paul, and the server name that we want to give it, I'm going to say a ubuntu-server. And for the username, I'm just going to pick paulh for my name, Paul Hill, and I'll create a password here, which is going to be a standard password123, just because that's what I like to use in all my lab stuff that, you know, doesn't really matter. It doesn't need to use a secure password. So, I'll go ahead and click Done.

ubuntu server ubuntu pro
Ubuntu Server - Ubuntu Pro option

Okay, so here we have the opportunity to use Ubuntu Pro. Which kind of gives us a description up there, you know, it's more secure. This is free if you're using it for yourself. But, if you're using an enterprise ,or an organization this does cost money. We're just going to Skip this for now. We don't need Ubuntu Pro and we'll click Continue.

ubuntu server install openssh server 1
Ubuntu Server - Install OpenSSH server option

I definitely recommend installing OpenSSH server. Now we can get into different types of SSH identities or keys. We're not going to do any of that and we'll just click Done. But this will allow us to SSH directly into the VM if we have it set up such that our host can reach the VM. Or we have another VM that we put on the same network.

I almost always SSH into my servers, so I'm going to go ahead and turn that on now. So I'll click Done.

ubuntu server snaps
Ubuntu Server Snaps selection

Okay, so here we have a couple of options. We can do things like install Docker. Interestingly enough, we can install PowerShell, which is pretty cool. We can do the AWS CLI. Some of these might be interesting to you. So if you see any of these, you want to go ahead and install, go ahead and choose that now.

I'm NOT going to choose any of these at the moment, and I'll just click Done.

ubuntu server installation process log
Ubuntu Server installation process log

Okay, so now the installation has begun. So what we're going to do is just speed up this video. So, what I would recommend you do is just pause your video, wait for your installation to finish, and then we'll come back and resume this video.

ubuntu server installation reboot
Ubuntu Server installation reboot option

Okay, so it looks like the installation is done. So what I'm going to do is hit the down arrow and say Reboot Now.

ubuntu server unmounting cdrom
ubuntu server unmounting cdrom

Okay, so it took a second, but it actually removed itself. So, I'm just going to press Enter, and now it's going to go ahead and boot.

virtualbox ubuntu vm storage settings
VirtualBox Ubuntu VM Storage settings

And, the way that I knew that it removed it is I went back to VirtualBox. I right clicked and chose Settings and then I went to Storage and then I could see that the CD disc, the optical disc here was empty.

So, I just waited a second, it eventually ejected it. And, then I came back here and pressed enter. And now my virtual machine is booting.

ubuntu server login prompt
Ubuntu Server login prompt

OK, so now we are at the login of our server, and what I'm going to do is just press Enter. Okay, so this isn't the cleanest installation, but this is what you get sometimes when you use the latest version of Ubuntu. I'm just going to press Enter and it's going to give me my Ubuntu server login here, which if you remember, my username was paulh, and then I made my password for the VM. So I'm going to go ahead and type in that password that I created.

ubuntu server welcome banner
Ubuntu Server Welcome Banner

And, now it gives me kind of a welcoming banner and I'm at the home screen of the VM.

Okay, so now I am good to go. I'm free to go ahead and start working on this virtual machine. What I would recommend that you do is go to the machine and click Take Snapshot.

ubuntu server vm snapshot
Ubuntu Server VM Snapshot

And I'm just going to call this, Post OS Installation, and just say installed: snapshot taken immediately after Ubuntu server OS installation, and I'll just say, OK.

ubuntu server vm snapshot post os installation
Ubuntu Server VM Snapshot - Post OS Installation

All right, now if I go back here it's, I can see that the snapshot is being taken, and under the status of Ubuntu Server, I can see that I have a snapshot called Post OS Installation.

All right. So, that is all we have to do to install Ubuntu Server. Great job getting through this lecture. I will see you in the next one.

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