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Introduction to Linux Server Operating Systems

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Linux Server Installation and Lab Setup

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Working with the Linux Command Line Interface

• 1hr 30min

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User and Group Management

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Linux Storage

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Linux Administration Basics

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Linux Networking

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Course Conclusion

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 In this lesson, I want to talk to you about enabling SSH on your Windows computer so you can SSH directly into your Ubuntu Server VM. Now, if you're running Linux or a modern version of Windows and you likely already have an SSH client installed, really quick, I'm just going to run through how to get that set up on your Windows computer, and then actually show you how to SSH into the box from your host computer.

Use SSH on Windows:

The first thing we're going to do if you're on a Windows computer is click Start, go to Settings and we're going to go to Apps. And, we'll click Optional features.

apps optional features
Apps - Optional features

Scroll down, find "OpenSSH Server," and click "Install."

Now, open your Command Prompt and type in ssh and press Enter. And if you get an output like this, then you already have SSH installed.

command prompt ssh
Command Prompt - ssh

Third-Party SSH Clients:

If you prefer a graphical user interface, you can use third-party SSH clients like PuTTY or WinSCP.

PuTTY is a popular choice for SSH on Windows. Download and install it from the official website: PuTTY Download Page.

Open PuTTY, enter the remote server's IP address or hostname, set the connection type to "SSH," and click "Open."

SSH from your Host Computer to Ubuntu Server

Find your Ubuntu Server IP address. Your IP address is gonna be different, and you can get that by typing in ip addr on Ubuntu. So again, I'm seeing

ubuntu server ip addr
Ubuntu Server ip addr command

So, if I go back to my command prompt, and I'm going to go to Properties here and just make this font a little bit bigger, change the Colors, and my opacity to 90%.

command prompt properties
command prompt properties

Now, you can connect to your VM using a command as shown below:

ssh username@ipaddress

In my example, my username is paulh, and my host is, so I will replace those values with the following:

ssh paulh@

You will see a message about the authenticity of the target host. This is normal for new hosts that you have not connected to before.

Type yes, because this is our Ubuntu Server and press enter.

ssh into ubuntu server vm
ssh into Ubuntu Server vm

So if I press Enter, I'm presented with the same login banner, but you'll notice I have some nice features here. First, I have the bigger text, which is nice for you guys to be able to read, and I have the full screen that I'm able to take advantage of, whereas in VirtualBox, I just have this little tiny screen.

ubuntu server welcome banner 1
Ubuntu Server Welcome Banner from Command Prompt

All right, so now we're logged into this computer so we can run the same kind of commands that we would before. So now I'm just going to go ahead and type in clear to clear the screen and that is all we need to do to get SSH configured from our host computer to our Linux server.

All right, so great job getting through this lecture, I look forward to seeing you in the next one.

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