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Installing Python on Windows

• 1hr 17min

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Python Basics

• 28min

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Python Variables

• 41min

0 / 8 lessons complete

Even more Python Variables!

• 41min

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Conditional Statements

• 15min

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Writing Functions

• 30min

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Python Loops

• 23min

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Python PIP and Modules

• 18min

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• 26min

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Working with APIs

• 12min

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Course Conclusion

• 2min

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Section Overview


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Welcome to the Python PIP section of the course! In this section, we will explore Python Package Index (PyPI) and the powerful package management tool called PIP (Package Installer for Python). Managing external libraries and packages is essential for developing robust and feature-rich Python applications, and PIP makes this process seamless and efficient.

This section will guide you through the essential aspects of Python package management using PIP. We will start by covering the installation process for PIP, ensuring that you have the necessary tools to manage Python packages effectively. We will then move on to installing modules with PIP, enabling you to easily access and utilize a vast range of open-source Python packages available on PyPI.

Once you are comfortable with installing packages, we will focus on importing modules into your Python code. Importing modules allows you to leverage the functionality provided by external packages, expanding the capabilities of your programs. We will explore various techniques and best practices for importing modules, empowering you to efficiently utilize the features offered by different Python packages.

Throughout this section, we will provide practical examples, demonstrations, and exercises to reinforce your understanding of Python package management with PIP. By the end of this section, you will have a solid grasp of PIP, enabling you to confidently install, manage, and import Python packages to enhance your programming projects.

So let's embark on this exciting journey into the world of Python package management with PIP, and unlock the potential of the vast Python ecosystem!

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