
0/1 Lessons

Course Introduction

• 19min

0 / 2 lessons complete

IT Lab Setup

• 31min

0 / 3 lessons complete

Installing Ansible

• 57min

0 / 4 lessons complete

Managing your Ansible Inventory

• 2hr 45min

0 / 8 lessons complete

Ansible Basics

• 2hr 55min

0 / 9 lessons complete

Ansible Roles

• 2hr 40min

0 / 8 lessons complete

Ansible Galaxy

• 2hr 42min

0 / 6 lessons complete

Ansible Facts, Variables, Passwords and Templates

• 3hr 23min

0 / 9 lessons complete

Advanced Ansible Playbook Creation

• 2hr 39min

0 / 8 lessons complete

Course Conclusion

• 11min

0 / 1 lessons complete

What is Ansible?


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In this lesson, you will get a high-level overview of Ansible, a powerful automation tool. You'll understand what Ansible is, its key features, and where it fits in the world of DevOps.

What is Ansible?

Ansible is an open-source automation tool, or platform, used for IT tasks such as configuration management, application deployment, infrastructure orchestration, and provisioning. Automation is crucial in the world of DevOps as it enables the rapid deployment and scaling of applications and infrastructure. Ansible, developed by Red Hat, makes these automation tasks simpler and more manageable.

One of the key features of Ansible is its simplicity and ease of use. It uses a human-readable language (YAML) for its configuration files, making it accessible even to those new to automation and scripting. Ansible works by connecting to your nodes and pushing out small programs called "Ansible modules." These programs are designed to be resource models of the desired state of the system.

Key Features of Ansible

Why Use Ansible?

Ansible shines in its simplicity and flexibility. It can manage both small setups with a few servers and large infrastructures with thousands of servers. Moreover, its agentless nature and use of existing SSH infrastructure make it easy to deploy and scalable. Ansible's growing community and rich documentation are also significant advantages.


Now that you have an understanding of what Ansible is and its key features, you're ready to start exploring how it can automate and streamline your IT infrastructure and deployment processes. Remember, the power of Ansible lies in its simplicity and efficiency, making it a preferred tool for many DevOps professionals. Stay tuned for more lessons where we'll dive into the practical aspects of using Ansible. Great job, and see you in the next lesson!

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