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About your instructor

paul hill

Paul Hill

Expert IT Instructor

Paul is an IT Professional with over 14 years of experience currently working as a Network Administrator in contract support of various Federal Agencies in the United States.

He has been teaching online courses for the past 5 years and taught over 250k students in 195 countries.

What skills will I learn in this course?

  • Create and delete Active Directory User Accounts
  • Reset user passwords in AD
  • Enable or disable AD Users
  • Practice what you learn in our REAL Active Directory IT Lab

Welcome to the Active Directory Fundamentals Course

Hello and welcome to the Active Directory Fundamentals course. In this lesson, I'll provide an overview of the course, detailing who it's designed for and what you'll learn.

Who Is This Course For?

This course is designed for:

  • Anyone considering a career in IT. Active Directory is one of the most common technologies you'll encounter in the IT field, making it a valuable skill to add to your resume.
  • Students preparing for interviews where Active Directory knowledge is essential.
  • IT professionals working in environments that utilize Active Directory, aiming to enhance their day-to-day operational skills.

What Will You Learn?

In this course, you'll learn essential Active Directory tasks, including:

  • Creating and managing Active Directory user accounts
  • Resetting user passwords
  • Creating and managing organizational units
  • Deleting and disabling users

Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to test your knowledge with quizzes and practice in a real Active Directory lab using our in-browser IT labs. Generally, IT labs are only available to users on our Full Access plan, but the lab in this fundamentals course is free for everyone with an account.

This fundamentals course covers the basics you need for day-to-day tasks in Active Directory. For more advanced topics, such as installing Active Directory Domain Services and configuring a Windows domain from the ground up, consider enrolling in our full course. This will give you a deeper understanding of what we offer at Server Academy.

Great job completing this lecture. I will see you in the next one!

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2 years ago


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2 years ago

Thanks so much for this opportunity. Will I have access to Lab?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  morinoet.h
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Morinoe T. Hinneh

We are glad to have you as a student at ServerAcademy.

Access to the Active Directory Fundamentals Lab is included in this course.


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1 year ago

where is .csv file

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  ajayk2
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar ajay kaushik

We have some CSV files that we provide on other courses for managing and administering Active Directory. For this fundamentals course, we don’t provide one. Are you looking for something specific?


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1 year ago

Don’t we get any certificate after completing this course ?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  bopparajus
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar BOPPARAJU Shiva Keshav

Unfortunately for completing this Fundamentals course, there’s no certificate. We only award a certificate for completing the Windows Admin Bootcamp which is comprised of most of the courses here in Server Academy. You can find more information on your Dashboard > My STuff > Certificates.

Here’s a link to it:


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1 year ago

I have fully paid my membership fees but the video for the course are not showing

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1 year ago

Please I want love to have the Ebook

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  rukayata
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar RUKAYAT ANIMASHAUN

You can download the ebook from this link:


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1 year ago

Today am join the Oline course

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Abe N(@abraham-nantin)
1 year ago

1-01-2023. Hello Paul, Ricardo.
My goal this year to complete all of the course lessons, retain 80% knowledge, and accumulate 100 hours of experience, to become a good server guy. Here’s to hope.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Abe N
1 year ago

You will get there profile avatar Abraham Nantin that sounds like a good plan.
If you have any questions let us know by posting them on the community forum here: forum

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Lawrence Wayne Austin(@lawrencewaynea)
1 year ago

happy to gain the Active Directory knowledge, and new website layout is excellent

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1 year ago

Hi! I’m looking for a lesson where I can go through steps needed to join a workstation to an existing domain, preferably with an IT lab included. I have not found this in any of the courses. Am I missing something? Regards, Balazs

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  balazsp
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Balazs Pk

The course Building Your IT Lab and Active Directory & Identity with Windows Server will teach you the steps needed to create a network and install the server and workstation operating systems.


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1 year ago

I need to learn about server

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  jotheswarand
1 year ago

Welcome profile avatar JOTHESWARAN DURAIKANNU you are in the right place to learn about server.

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1 year ago

Just signed up!, will you be releasing more courses/content in the future I noticed there are a few courses on the website at the moment?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  nirajc
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Niraj Chauhan

profile avatar Paul Hill has been updating the Python course and has plans on releasing some Microsoft Cloud and other DevOps-type courses. In the meantime, you can get started with plenty of hours on the Windows Server courses we have.


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Reply to  Ricardo P
1 year ago

Hi! thanks for the reply, I have recently started dabbling with Windows Server look forward to learning!

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1 year ago

its cool

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4 months ago


I just completed this course – Active Directory Fundamenls . Is there a link where I can download course completion certificate

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  mohammadaminurr
4 months ago

Hi profile avatar Mohammad Aminur Rahman,

We have a certificate when completing a set of courses. To achieve the Active Directory Administrator Cert a student will need to complete the following 3 courses:

  • Active Directory Fundamentals
  • Active Directory & Identity with Windows Server
  • Group Policy & Security with Windows Server

You can check this and other certificates here:


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Reply to  Ricardo P
4 months ago

ok. Thank you

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4 months ago

Did the AD fundamentals. Great lecturer and labs for practice. £168 upfront for the year to continue. Way over-priced. I guess monthly pay-as-you-go options for people who can’t afford the year wouldn’t work for you eh.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  pauls9
4 months ago

Hi profile avatar Paul Shepherd

Glad that you enjoyed the course. You can choose the monthly option of $28.00 and once you are done learning, then you can cancel at your convenience, any time.
