Active Directory IT Lab


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In this lab we want you to practice what you've learned in this course. In this IT Lab, you will complete and be evaluated on the following tasks:

  • Create AD Users
  • Reset the user password
  • Unlock user accounts
  • Create and delete Organizational Units
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2 years ago

I did It!!!

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  joem2
2 years ago

Congratulations profile avatar Joe Melendez !!!

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2 years ago


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Matthew Stricker(@matthews4)
2 years ago

Hey, here’s a couple things I noted from the lab,
-Tasks 1 and 2 in the Create Domain Users portion don’t say that the users need to go to a specific OU. It may be good practice to put them in the Domain Users OU, but I started by putting them in the Users container
-In the Password Management portion, it doesn’t pass you if Sofia’s account is disabled. She was a new user I made, so I created the account as disabled from the start.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Matthew Stricker
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Matthew Stricker

That’s correct, as you just said it. It is best practice not to use the default Users Container and to use an OU, like Domain users, as explained in the video. If you create the user in the Users container the evaluation error message will tell you something is not correct.

The second point is interesting since it doesn’t specify if you need to create a disabled user account or an enabled one. The assumption is enabled unless stated otherwise.

Thank you for your comments.


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Jennifer Hunter(@jennifer-hunter)
2 years ago

Task to uncheck the requirement to change the password at next login, is marked incorrect unless you also uncheck Disable Account.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Jennifer Hunter
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Jennifer Hunter

We have updated the error message to display that the user account is disabled and needs to be enabled.

Thank you for posting.


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Reply to  Ricardo P
3 months ago

There is nothing that I can do to get the correct answer for this particular question. The disable account is not checked, only the password checkbox.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  shanep2
3 months ago

Can you paste the question/task or for which user is it?

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Reply to  Ricardo P
3 months ago

I am not positive on the question number (possibly 3), but it is for Sofia Pallab. It is required to remove the “User must change password at next logon”. When removing that, it still gives error, and there are no other checkboxes checked in the Properties — Account section. I have tried multiple combinations, but nothing seems to be accepted…of course, I could be doing something incorrect.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  shanep2
3 months ago

Check the following; If the user Sofia Pallab is under the Server Academy > Domain Users OU. Uncheck the “User must change password at next logon” and the account needs to be enabled.

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Reply to  Ricardo P
3 months ago

I have checked and double-checked, the account is disabled check box is not checked. I have even checked it, then unchecked it, still receiving the same error…included below.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  shanep2
3 months ago

From the users properties window I see that the account is locked. Click the checkbox “unlock Account” from Sofia Pallab properties and click ok to save and try again.Not sure if it has something to do but can work. 

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Jennifer Hunter(@jennifer-hunter)
2 years ago

When I submit my lab for grading, it brings me back to the same screen without any summary just the option to submit. How do I get this marked?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Jennifer Hunter
2 years ago

After submitting for grading you should see a summary with all the tasks performed in green. Did you get to that part?

Also, you can click next on the Lab page and it will mark it complete for you.


Last edited 2 years ago by Ricardo P
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Jennifer Hunter(@jennifer-hunter)
Reply to  Ricardo P
2 years ago

I performed all the tasks, and got them all correct. When I submitted for grading, I got nothing other than returned to the page to Submit for grading.
I did save my lab, but don’t know how to retrieve the saved lab. I will try again tonight and make sure there is nothing blocking my grading.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Jennifer Hunter
2 years ago

When clicking Submit as the last step of the lab, the next page will appear with just the question “Are you sure you want to submit for grading? It will display two buttons to click either Yes or No, not yet buttons. When clicking Yes it will start the grading process and you will see the results with Green for correct, and Red for wrong. Then you just close the lab Browser Tab.

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Liz M(@lizm)
Reply to  Ricardo P
1 year ago

I just finished the IT lab, and I have the same problem. I completed the lab twice, but it is still not marked as finished. I have also refreshed the page. I initially used Sarfai and believed that was the problem. I’m currently in Chrome, but it still won’t validate my completion.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Liz M
1 year ago

The lab has been marked as completed.

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Paul Ma(@paulm)
2 years ago

When changing Jan Marks password, I have to manually type in the provided password because the type tap triggers the wizard to keep resetting the password.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Paul Ma
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Paul Ma

We have corrected the issue on the Type Text.


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Jennifer Hunter(@jennifer-hunter)
2 years ago

How do I retrieve my saved lab?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Jennifer Hunter
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Jennifer Hunter

After your lab has been saved, you just come back to the lab page. Click the Open IT Lab button again, and it will resume from your previously saved lab session.


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2 years ago

Not getting task 3 (Cory Bishop) right. Can you tell me which lecture covered it?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Zak11
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Cheolsoon Im

We will be reviewing the videos. In the meantime, here are the steps:

Right-click the user object (Cory Bishop) and select Properties.
Click the Member Of tab and click the Add button.
Search for Domain Admins and click OK and Ok to close the properties window.


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Reply to  Ricardo P
1 year ago

Task 3 is not covered in the lecture and the steps are not working as well. When I click the Member of tab and click the Add button then the next screen pops up saying the name Cory Bishop is not found.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  olgag
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Olga Glen

Cory Bishop’s user must first be created as part of Task 3. You will right-click the user Properties and choose the Member Of tab click the Add button and search for the Domain Admins group.

We have let profile avatar Paul Hill know about it and we will update the video lessons.

Thank you,


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Reply to  Ricardo P
1 year ago

Thanks Ricardo. All good now 👍 

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Reply to  olgag
1 year ago

thanks for reply Ricardo and looking forward for updated videos. I created Cory Bishop user in Domain Admin OU first and then clicked add button and the name still hadnt been found in a search for Domain Admins 🤔 .

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  olgag
1 year ago

Maybe It might not have been created since the Domain Admins OU does not have that many users that you should be able to see it. Try refreshing the AD console to see if it appears. From the search, if Domain Admins OU was selected it should have appeared unless is not named correctly. You can search the entire Domain just in case it is under another OU.

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Reply to  Ricardo P
1 year ago

Hi Ricardo. I did all those steps and still the same issue. I can see the name in the Domain Admin but when I am trying to add it shows that the object named “cory.bishop” cannot be found…

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  olgag
1 year ago

Now that you have the Cory Bishop user under the Domain Admins OU, right-click it and select Properties > click the Member Of tab, and click on the Add button.

What you are looking for is the Group you will add the user as a Member Of. Here you type Domain Admins, click OK, and OK again.

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2 years ago

Can you give explanation for this question?..

Remove “Change Password at next logon” requirement for Sofia Pallab
Remove the “User must change password at next logon” requirement from Sofia Pallab user.

ANSWER:Either the password isn’t the same (Pa$$w0rd) or you didn’t remove the requirement to change the password at next logon or the user account is disabled.

I have done properly but still the error appears.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  ramoodeva
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Ramoodev Alagar

The evaluation checks for the password of the user which needs to be Pa$$w0rd. It checks for the check mark on the password at the next logon, and if the account is enabled. Make sure it is under the Domain Users OU.


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2 years ago

I got a 100%; however, the course menu does not show the check mark? 🙄 

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  krishnap2
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Krishna Patel

You can go back to the lesson or lab and click the Next Lesson button. It should mark it complete. If not let us know.


Last edited 2 years ago by Ricardo P
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Ram Ahuvia(@ram-ahuvia)
2 years ago

Hi, I completed the IT Lab (at score of 100%) but it still show up as not complete. Not sure if I could have done anything differently after completing it.
Thanks in advance for any help with this

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Ram Ahuvia
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Ram Ahuvia

You can go back to the IT Lab page and click the Next Lesson button. It should mark it complete. If not let us know.


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2 years ago

I would like to redo my IT Lab, but ain’t able to.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  onen
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar One Neema

You can redo the IT Lab if you want. There’s no limit on the times you can redo it.
I see you have completed the lab three times already. Do you have any issues or error messages you can share to check?

Thank you,


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Brady Durham(@bradyd)
1 year ago

In regards to Task 4, I placed Sofia in the Domain Users OU when I first created the account. The video does not specify what password to use. I just happened to see it in the error message and it is unclear which one is correct. Is it Pa$$wOrd, or Pa$$w0rd?
Also, I have removed the “user must change password at next login” requirement and it is still not right.
There were several tasks that I don’t recall at all while watching the videos and I am starting to get extremely frustrated as I have been watching all of the videos for several days now.
So, how are you supposed to do Task 4 correctly?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Brady Durham
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Brady Durham

Regarding task 4, the password is Pa$$w0rd (with a cero). We have updated the task description to specify which password to use.


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Brady Durham(@bradyd)
Reply to  Brady Durham
1 year ago

Ok. I’m still getting this every time I complete it…
ANSWER:Either the password isn’t the same (Pa$$w0rd) or you didn’t remove the requirement to change the password at next logon or the user account is disabled…
Can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong because this is getting very frustrating.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Brady Durham
1 year ago

Basically, Task 4 evaluation script is checking for the following:
That the user object is under the OU Server Academy > Domain Users
The name of the account is sofia.pallab
The password for the account is Pa$$w0rd (with a cero)
That the checkmark on the user profile Properties > Account > User must change password at next logon is unchecked.
The account must be enabled.

Check if these are correct otherwise the evaluation script might fail.

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Brady Durham(@bradyd)
Reply to  Ricardo P
1 year ago

I got it, thanks. I was doing everything except unchecking “User must change password at next login” when I created the account. That was the problem.

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1 year ago

Finally, I did it!!! This is so good 🙂

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Daniel Conte(@daniel-conte)
1 year ago

Hi, I completed the lab, got graded and received 9/9. I closed the window but now it says I still haven’t completed the lab. Can you check off the lab and conclusion as complete for me please? I already tried opening it back up and clicking next all the way through but then it says I have 0 tasks correct.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Daniel Conte
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Daniel Conte

We have marked the Active Directory IT Lab as completed.

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Ernest Doepoe(@ernestd)
Reply to  Ricardo P
1 year ago

Ricardo this is Ernest Doepoe, a New student what will be the password for the IT Lab?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Ernest Doepoe
1 year ago

They are located on the lab description for the different users. Try it with Pa$$w0rd.

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Ernest Doepoe(@ernestd)
1 year ago

I help from the Administrator, I wanted to start my Lab but I cant get in because of the lab password

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Ernest Doepoe
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Ernest Doepoe

The password for the windows virtual machine you see on your web browser has a password or: Pa$$w0rd.

Attached is a screenshot.

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Liz M(@lizm)
1 year ago

I finished the IT lab. I completed the lab three times, but it is still not marked as finished. I have also refreshed the page. I initially used Sarfai and believed that was the problem. I’m currently in Chrome, but it still won’t validate my completion.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Liz M
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Liz Michel

We have marked the lab completed for you.


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1 year ago

I completed the lab, but it remains unmarked, and as a result, the course is incomplete.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  amnaa
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar amna ali

You can click the next lesson button on the Lab page and it will mark it complete for you. Anyways, I have marked it for you as complete.


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Adam Symms(@adam-symms)
1 year ago

Hello, I am new and when I logged in for the first time, windows server requests me to do an operating system update. I assume this will update the my instance only and safe to do so? Thanks.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Adam Symms
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Adam Symms

Sometimes you will see that message since updates will be released after the lab is created. Just ignore and don’t update since upgrading can take some time.


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Adam Symms(@adam-symms)
1 year ago

Hello, I completed the Active Directory lab and passed. The only option was to close the browser tab after getting results. Under practice what you have learned, it has not ticked off as completed. So the checklist says 9/10 completed. Is this right?

Added note: I clicked on “Next Lesson” and now ticked as completed. Not automatic.

Last edited 1 year ago by Adam Symms
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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Adam Symms
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Adam Symms

Did it mark it as completed for you?
I was checking and see is not completed. Just confirm since when clicking the next button it should mark the lesson complete. Otherwise, we can mark it complete for you.
