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PowerShell Web Requests (APIs)

In this live training session you are going to learn how to use PowerShell to initiate web requests and manipulate data through APIs.

# Sign up for the free vesion
# Confirm your email and log in
# Regenerate your API key

$ApiKey = "e677fb8276d54a9c8bd191633202407"
$Query = "22030"
$Days = 7
$Uri = "$ApiKey&q=$Query&Days=$Days"

# Output the URI we will be making a call to
Write-Host "API call Uri: $Uri"

# You can copy this into your web browser and view the result
# You can paste the result into a JSON formatter for easier visibility

# Make the request
if(!$Request) { $Request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri } else { write-host "Not initiating API call since we already have the data" }

# Get the content
$Content = $Request.Content

# Convert from JSON
$ConvertedJson = $Request.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

## For PowerShell 6 and above run the following command:
# $ConvertedJsonHash = $Request.Content | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable

# Expand the JSON objecct
$ConvertedFormattedJson = $Request.Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Format-List

# Other formatting options: 
# Format-Custom          
# Format-Hex
# Format-List            
# Format-Table
# Format-Wide

# Cannot access data inside of formated object
# The following line returns empty

# Grab the location information

# Grab the forecast for the next couple days
$Forecast = $ConvertedJson.forecast.forecastday

# Iterate over the forecast and output the data
Foreach($Day in $Forecast) {
    # Prep variables
    $Date = $
    $High = $Day.Day.maxtemp_f
    $Low = $Day.Day.mintemp_f
    $Condition = $

    # Output forecast
    Write-host "$Date will have a high of $High and a low of $Low and will be $Condition"

# # Change the formatting on the date
Foreach($Day in $Forecast) {
    # Prep variables
    $Date = $ | get-date -Format "dddd"
    $High = $Day.Day.maxtemp_f
    $Low = $Day.Day.mintemp_f
    $Condition = $

    # Output forecast
    Write-host "$Date will have a high of $High and a low of $Low and will be $Condition"